I had an amazing weekend which culminated in a 5* win in the Longines Grand Prix at La Curuna.
Diaghilev jumped amazing and deserved the win. He has been knocking on the door for a while.

I am really pleased for his owners (The Payne Family) They bred him and are extremely great owners for me and enjoy every minute of Diaghilev's achievments.

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I had a touch of luck at the last fence but we all need a bit of luck from time to time!

 I am having a weeknd at home this weekend before heading to Liverpool International after Christmas.
There is some great money on offer there and I am hoping my winning streak continues. I am the returning Grand Prix Champion so no preassure then!

I would just like to thank my long standing family of sponsors and supporters who have been with me for a long time now, which is very much appreciated!

Amerigo, Belmondo, Bloomfields Horse Boxes, Clean Round, Connolly's RED MILLS, Eurobale, Mushroom Matrix, Equiform, easibed, Flexineb, Haygain, Samshield